As a top realtor in New Mexico, great service isn’t only about finding good deals for buyers – it’s about matching the right buyer to the right home.  People have different needs, and not every home is right for every buyer.

One of the best illustrations of this is homes with open concept floor plans, meaning there are fewer walls and partitions.  Rooms can be multi-purpose, or even change their purpose just by moving some furniture around.   Open floors are trendy and can be a lot of fun, but they also have their drawbacks.  Some people will do better in a more traditional room-based layout.

So, let’s talk about their pros and cons.

The Pros And Cons Of An Open Floor Plan – Straight From A Realtor In New Mexico

I. Pros

  • Open floor plans are great for maximizing usable space in homes with limited square footage since walls aren’t eating into that space.
  • Open floor plans work well for families with small kids since it’s easier to keep an eye on the children.
  • Open floor plans let in a lot of natural light and are perfect if you’re in a scenic location and want to enjoy the view as much as possible.
  • Open floor “rooms” are often defined by the furniture, such as placing a large couch to divide a space in two.  This makes them extremely easy to rearrange, change their function, or add extra furniture for guests.
  • In general, open layouts are perfect for entertaining and are the choice if you plan to host a lot of parties.

II. Cons

  • Open floor plans often have a lack of privacy.  Bedrooms are still separate, but everyone can see everyone else in common areas.
  • Noise is another issue.  Lacking walls, sound travels very easily in open-floor homes.  Again, only the bedrooms (and bathrooms) are relatively private.
  • Limited walls mean limited wall space.  You won’t have room for too many decorations, and storage such as shelves must be free-standing rather than mounted.
  • Creating workspaces, such as a home office or art studio, can be challenging in an open floor design.
  • Children prone to making messes have a lot more room to do so in open designs.

New Mexico Realtor

If you’re not sure whether an open concept floor plan is right for you, Cassandra D. Morrison can help!  She has decades of experience as a realtor in New Mexico. Click here to learn more or contact us today!